Here’s Why You’re Struggling with Being Productive (Productivity Styles Explained)

May 10, 2024

Struggling to maximize office productivity is a common challenge faced by professionals across industries. When productivity levels are low, individuals may experience frustration and inefficiency, ultimately hindering their professional growth and success.

Tasks may take longer to complete, deadlines may be missed, and overall job satisfaction can plummet. This not only impacts individual performance but can also have ripple effects on team dynamics and organizational success.

One significant reason for this productivity struggle is the lack of awareness of one’s own productivity style. Many individuals operate without a clear understanding of how they work best, including their strengths, preferences, and natural tendencies when it comes to managing time and tasks.


Without this self-awareness, individuals may engage in ineffective time management practices, struggle to prioritize tasks effectively, and fail to leverage their strengths to their advantage. This can lead to a perpetual cycle of stress, overwhelm, and underperformance in the workplace.

The solution lies in understanding the four distinct productivity styles and how they apply to individual work habits and preferences.

By gaining insight into these styles – the Prioritizer, the Planner, the Arranger, and the Visualizer – individuals can tailor their approach to work more effectively.


Armed with this knowledge, individuals can align their tasks, projects, and workflows with their unique productivity style, maximizing efficiency and achieving desired outcomes.

This self-awareness empowers individuals to make informed decisions about how they structure their workday, prioritize tasks, and collaborate with others, ultimately leading to greater productivity, job satisfaction, and professional success.

The Four Productivity Styles

The Prioritizer


Solutions Architect from Via Appia Manning our Tech Booth

Known for their analytical and efficient approach, prioritizes excel at setting clear goals and swiftly tackling tasks with precision. They thrive in structured, professional environments and prioritize results over extensive communication or small talk.

The Planner 


Detail-oriented and highly organized, planners thrive on meticulous planning and adherence to schedules. They excel at project management and uphold rules and regulations rigorously to ensure timely completion of tasks.

The Arranger 


Solutions Architect from Via Appia Demonstrating the Power of Low-Code

Expressive and collaborative, arrangers prioritize teamwork and value communication and support. They excel in fostering collaboration and creating welcoming environments but may struggle with advanced planning and time management due to their focus on addressing others’ needs.

The Visualizer 


CEO & President of Via Appia Philippines, Richard Leoncio giving short speech for ranking Top 5 Best Place To Work Philippines – Medium Category.

Innovative and holistic thinkers, visualizers thrive on big-picture concepts and creative problem-solving. They prefer a cluttered workspace to keep ideas visible and embrace spontaneity, often overlooking detailed planning

How to Identify Your Productivity Style

  • IdentifyYour Personality: Reflect on your tendenciesregarding goal setting, task prioritization, and adherence to deadlines todeterminewhich productivity style aligns with your natural inclinations.
  • Describe Your Preferences: Consider your preferred work environment, collaboration preferences, and energy levels to gain insight into your ideal productivity style.
  • Determine Your Strengths and Weaknesses: Assess your communication skills, teamwork abilities, and time management tendencies to identify areas of strength and improvement, aiding in the identification of your productivity style.

Unlocking your productivity potential begins with understanding your unique productivity style. By recognizing your strengths, preferences, and natural tendencies, you can tailor your approach to work, maximizing efficiency and achieving greater success.


Via Appia Solutions Consulting Team Manning Tech Booth


Via Appia Tech Booth Committee at the Union Digital Event.

Embrace your uniqueness, discover your productivity style, and embark on a journey toward heightened productivity and fulfillment in your professional endeavors.

Here at Via Appia, we respect everyone’s style. It’s part of innovation and creating a thriving team that works toward collective success.

Let your productivity style shine and flourish by joining our team!

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